Transformation of the Individual
It’s not everyday you run into people who have the potential to change your life, or so I thought.
I’m not a people saving super-hero like Spider-Man or world problem -solver like the President, yet I feel capable of doing both if the opportunity presented themselves — webs attached.

I graduated from Texas State University and I’m at a point now where I’m learning who I’m becoming. I’m learning that I respond to the world’s way of presenting opportunities and obstacles. It’s interesting sometimes. I’m a man of great action. I feel anew when I put forth my best effort to achieve. I’m self-driven. This isn’t a story about why I know I’m the best, although it’s a feeling you must foster about yourself within. This is more of a narrative of how the world has shaped me into becoming an upstanding individual fit for the world’s complexities.
Change is a Deeply Involved Process

As quick paced is the world, as are my emotions deep. Similar to great thinkers like Socrates, or Ghandi, or perhaps the gentleman walking down the hallway with little regard for some student distracted by whatever was displaying on his laptop, I welcome change. I am that student and that day I was intent on unearthing truth in my being.
I’ve always been deeply involved, spiritually, on why I do things or why I don’t do them, and sure enough that gentleman, Mr. Scott Emerson, opened the door for possibility.
The Process Begins with a Simple Encounter
Mr. Emerson is a humbled man with origins from Ohio who grew up perceiving the world around him as an opportunity to create change and to shift the regime. He is also the CEO and founder of the 3rd largest healthcare products distributor in the world, The Emerson Group, and one of the endowment officials of my university’s business school – The McCoy College of Business Administration. Who would’ve known? I sure as heck didn’t.
It all started with a simple “how are you?” I’m a person who loves people. Some will disagree and some will refute my passion. I have come to understand I will not strive to please others if they themselves aren’t willing to love who they are as individuals or willing to change.
I’m curious though, why did he stop and talk to me? He knew not of me and I knew not of him. I didn’t have anything to offer him, nor did he have anything to offer me. Or did he? To me he seemed to be another guy in a suit walking by with a veil over his eyes, uninfluenced by the world around him. Then there was I, an action taking, thought provoking student in the game of life. I wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity. Questioning him, “Hey, how’s it going?”, eyes locked and mind spiraling up for action. He, hesitant and unsure, veered from his path.
He approached me with bright eyes and a warm smile, offering his hand in companionship. I shook it. I shook his hand so generously and vivaciously the world around us ceased movement and all energies were directed on us. This would become the change ordained in my favor.
The Course to Indisputable Action
My 4 years in college have been an eye opener. People have come and gone in my life. I understand better how people can love genuinely but will hate spitefully. I believe that spectrum encompasses all who exist. That day I didn’t know who I’d run into or who’d I be sharing my vision for life with, but if we aren’t perceptive of others and the world around us and willing to put that energy outward, opportunity will surely pass us by.
It’s times like these. I remember growing up with such interest in being involved in doing ‘stuff’. I was the kid switched ‘always on’. Always so deeply involved and immersed in what I was doing. I didn’t have an off button and I wasn’t interested in having one and thankfully, I still don’t. It was my love for activity, be it physical or mental. I simply approach life with an openness to change and transformation. A desire and willingness to strive. My desires are within, internalized by my passion to live and succeed in all my endeavors.
I am young, but wise for my years and I am dark, but bright in my approach; I am me, sometimes a load to handle, yet, through it all, forward looking.
One who knows not of himself; I know not of what I am capable of achieving. I am a thinker, an experiencer, an innovator, and I am the person to walk into the unknown, willingly. My mind is set on persevering and committing to the journey, although knowing not of what lies ahead. Well, do we ever really know? Are we willing to devote time, energy and resources to finding out? Do you personally care? The questions are endless. I find a bit of mystery intriguing, compelling in fact! If we aren’t persuaded by some force to discover the unknown, our potential, our impact, what are we doing? How can we change time?
There are No Limitations Other Than Time & Our Love for Others
Time: the ever-present factor in all our lives. It’s neither here or there, but somehow it keeps track of all we do. Or don’t do. The late sports analyst, Craig Sager, once said “time is simply how you live your life.”
Our modern times have deviated from our core values as a society, I believe and we have become stuck on auto-pilot, concerned with matters other than our own health and well-being, serving in the interests of others rather than becoming better equipped versions of ourselves. It’s saddening to me that I know people will attest to their efforts of working hard and helping others. But how deeply should you extend your energies to others without expecting anything in return? Plain generosity.
I’ve noticed in my experiences how people treat others who have given something in return. I have taken note on how those same people lack a genuine interest in anything other than themselves. It’s becoming more common in our world today. Can’t you see it? Do you feel it? How we treat people we call friends, acquaintances, significant others, family and even strangers are up to you and I.
I’ve come to embody the understanding that I will live and expect nothing in return from others. I am self-sufficient and my own efforts dictate my successes, and lack thereof dictate my losses. To me, it’s obvious that the choices we make affect certain aspects of our individual lives. I must clarify for those who lack the understanding on a deeper level, it’s not always about you – it’s about helping others change for the better. Selfishness stems from lacking the awareness and consideration of how choices you and I make affect the world around us. Simply put, think before you act and you need to think hard, for time is precious.

Going Full Circle
I can’t say I’ve come full circle in understanding all of life’s mysteries, that there’s a river that runs deep. I will say life has been full of experiences. Of course, good and bad, it’s beauty in disguise. I look to the chance to rise to the occasion. I speak my mind, for it is my greatest asset. Far too often are people lead by common, generic thought. In a room full of people, who will speak up? Do they know that they’re being misinformed? Will you? Do you? Or are you too insecure fearing what others will say about you, so you remain hushed and follow the crowd?
Yeah, go figure.
I welcome humility into my life, that for me says “I’m not perfect but better believe I’ll strive to become great.” A deeply rooted confidence in myself is where this comes from. I say I want to be a better person and you should ask what do you need to learn, too? It is my desire to be more generous that questions why you should ask how can you go out of your way and to expect nothing in return. The little things make life a bit more intimate. A bit more meaningful, especially when our livelihoods are at stake.
I cannot want greatness for you if you yourself lack the interest to be great and that is your choice to make — right now.
I hope that you all are aware of how deeply rooted your actions and thoughts are in the world. If so, may you be guided by the truth and led to discover the boundless opportunities in life.
This message is to those of you who are still searching, earnestly employ your energies into self-discovery, for it is a force designed to interconnect us all.
Creating Change From Here
As I move forward to begin my next chapter, a few things stand out to me. My own sense of direction guides me. The friends I’ve made at Texas State University, I would say, have been born into opportunity. I like to think of my journey as an unpredictable exploration to uncover opportunity and for those who are religious, I am being led by God into my calling and I am willing and determined to make the most change happen. I know what it took for me to be where I am, and I am so very thankful.
Times change and people come and go, so it’s only right I find the right pieces to incorporate into my life. Within me there is a constant battle that fights to satisfy and destroy. I lend this to my existential being. Each day I work on understanding and harnessing these natural forces. Each day is an opportunity to realign the way I think, react, converse, speak and visualize the world around me. I am no different than my neighbor in a sense that we are both human. All of us live individual lives. We both consume necessary goods, we sleep, and we eat. The different traits are the mind and how time is utilized.

Be Crazy, Delusional, and Insane
The mind is a powerful tool, the most powerful in existence. There’s a saying, “give a man a fish, he eats for a day, but teach a man how to fish, he eats for a lifetime.” The way in which we use the mind determines whether we achieve our goals or not. Simple enough, right? Yes, it is that simple. The introduction of new and exciting ideas to a person who knows the value of the mind is the key to taking massive action and creating the life desired.
No one is willing enough to simply give their time, energy and money away. Who’s that crazy? Wealthy people are and wealthy people are the kind of individuals who understand how money and ideas work. I’m not talking about those people who keep spending money on stuff that is satisfying now then gone tomorrow. No, not those kinds of rich people. The rich I speak of have learned, through experience, and gained the knowledge to accumulate ideas on how to better serve in the interests of others.
Awareness is the First Step to Meaningful Change
Awareness, the way we perceive the world around us and I believe this to be the first step in understanding who you are as an individual. Taking life personally should be priority number one. The billionaire mindset. I have learned that giving ‘unproductive things’ my attention and energies detract from the time I could have used to better. For example, let’s say, my interpersonal communication or positive affirmations, or public speaking could have been used more effectively. Self-discovery is the element guiding our actions through life.
I no longer look to others for approval. I have an undeniable desire to take hold of my life. You should too and this journey has only just begun. It’s time to take your life back. No more worrying. You can forget about not having the time. Hell, with all that free time, you’ll be itching to create like never before. Life is truly a spiritual journey, not a financial one. Step out into the sun and radiate warmth and generosity onto the world. Until then, take this journey seriously, personal and with a willingness to become a better person for the world to imitate.