Extroverted Logic (P) – Pragmatism / Empiricism – External Dynamics of Objects

Overall definition: This is the apparent observation of what objects of matter are actually doing and how it interacts with other objects’ doing. In other words, it is the interplay of objects. It makes judgments on what works best with another object – in real time. It doesn’t refer to a series of principles to assess such workings, but how things are constantly moving, changing, and as such the data needs to be constantly updated. For this reason, it is determined and relentless in its acquisition of facts to make informed assessments to determine what is practical and optimal. What may be true right now, may not be true in another circumstance. It simply depends on the circumstances that are evident to the subject.

These observations are mostly what we call “facts,” which are observable to everyone – empirical. Such as “Billy, a manufacturing employee, is producing 2 units per hour.” And the stronger this element is in a Type of Information Metabolism (TIM), then the more rich the data collection gets (and the more autonomously). It may begin to assess what factors are affecting Billy’s performance, who and what he works best with, and what negatively affects his performance. It will not form rules around these observations, and will make adjustments in real-time to determine what is optimal by continuously assessing the interplay of these objects. By its very fundamental purpose – Extroverted Logic is content-rich.

What must be understood is that the object is where the attention is focused & not the relationships between them (fields). An object can be an entire project, thereby the metabolism of Pragmatism may depict if each process doing the right job in the most efficient way. This information element is singularly focused on the doings of an object. Without the proper metabolism of Introverted Logic (Laws/Systems), a TIM (Type of Information Metabolism) would not be aware of a more systematic way to structure, arrange, generalize, filter, eliminate, or categorize the relationships between the objects so that the results are more predictable and consistent. In other words, it would be difficult to come to any conclusion about Billy or manufacturing employees other than what he is doing and how well he is doing in this very moment. Fortunately, every type metabolizes information pertaining to Introverted Logic, and therefore capable of arranging “facts” to some extent.

Integrity Seeking – Absolute Relativism

Types that value Pragmatism and Relations are referred to as “Integrity Seeking” because Extroverted Logic is dynamic, it is reluctant to generalize understanding of the world into absolute underlying generalized principles. When valued, the TIM approaches things in a manner that is relative. In other words, it depends on what is happening in the moment. You can’t simply boil things down to this always means that. Activities, such as the one listed above regarding the manufacturing employee, Billy, may be determined in a way that is “On average, Billy produced 2 units per hour,” however, very unlikely to state that “Manufacturing employees produce 2 units per hour” based on the single observation of Billy. When new factors are introduced, such as Billy consuming large doses of caffeine, he may be able to produce 2.5 units per hour, and integrity seeking types are likely to take that into consideration when forming a judgment – albeit this is a very rudimentary example. Integrity-Seeking types (ones that value Pragmatism) will be more apt to explain the circumstances that Billy is faced with that results in an output of 2 units per hour instead of simply stating that he produces 2 units per hour. However, this does not mean that they are devoid of using numbers to quantify things, such as Billy averages 2 units per hour. (Remember, the workings of external objects are vastly important to them, such that, the accrual of facts is central to those who value and are strong in Pragmatism). There is a strong component in these types to provide content & context to how associated actions are producing an intended result. For example, in order to show how the man is being effective by how he is working — you must also communicate that the actions of the other man working is or is not having an impact on the object or attention. There is a strong need not to keep things based on the idea of a principle but keep the mind open to happenings – and everything is subject to changing from one minute to the next.

This Information Element is often associated with the idea of money; however, it is not of money itself, rather the activity associated with money. Money is just another piece of matter that has actions (or activities) associated with it. What is it doing & where? Is this an effective place to put it or a bad one? What activities should it be doing? In other words, if money isn’t the object of attention, then it’s possible that they may not be seeking to “optimize” it – despite what is colloquially thought about Extroverted Logic & money (especially TIMs associated with Gamma Quadra).

This information element, when metabolized in a strong way tends to create a desire to direct the movement of activities in a way that produces the intended result. However, this must not be confused with the actual force or volition associated with changing the actions of these objects. It is simply an awareness that activities could be better directed for the maximum effect.

Identifying Questions for TIM Typing

Here are some questions that attempt to capture the “essence” of this IME (Information Metabolism Element):

  • Are the actions of this resource being utilized effectively for its intended purpose?
  • How are these actions [of each object] being utilized to create an intended result?
  • What is the output of this particular activity?
  • Why is the man standing on one foot instead of two if he wishes to have more balance?
  • What objects could be removed to improve efficiency?
  • What objects are working together to create the output?
  • What is redundant?
  • Where is the waste?
  • Which objects contribute the most in the output? Which contribute the least?

Difference From the Jungian Cognitive Function: Extroverted Thinking

“…it is made into a universal law which must be put into effect everywhere all the time, both individually and collectively. Just as the extraverted thinking type subordinates himself to his formula, so, for their own good, everybody round him must obey it too, for whoever refuses to obey it is wrong—he is resisting the universal law, and is therefore unreasonable, immoral, and without a conscience. His moral code forbids him to tolerate exceptions; his ideal must under all circumstances be realized, for in his eyes it is the purest conceivable formulation of objective reality, and therefore must also be a universally valid truth, quite indispensable for the salvation of mankind…”

“…But the closer we come to [center] of power where [this]  formula operates, the more life withers away from everything that does not conform to its dictates.”

Jung, C. G.. Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 6: Psychological Types (p. 347-349). Princeton University Press.

In Jungian Cognitive Theory, Extroverted Thinking types emphasize a universal and singular ruling principle that governs their behavior. “This is the way it is!” These principles are gathered from objective facts and these types tend to subjugate others to their own principles above all else. Whether it is purely benevolent or not, the data is gathered from subjective selection of objective data, whether facts or generally accepted social ideas (including ideologies).  

However, the Socionics depiction of Extroverted Logic, like Extroverted Thinking collects these facts, but it approaches things in a case-by-case scenario instead of governing principles, ensuring that the right activity is done at the right time for the intended result using available data. It is much less about a pre-formed ruling principle gathered from facts or even enforcing that principle (which would be more associated with Force than Extroverted Logic).  

Examples of 4-Dimensional Metabolism (Valued & Neglected)

LIEPublic, Strong, Base, Valued Pragmatism in the LIE – The LIE places heavy focus on how objects are producing an intended result that corresponds with their long-term vision or pursuits. They are willing to yield immediate effect (such as taking a temporary loss) with promise of future returns. Because they tend to privately ignore Systems/Laws, they are likely to quickly dismiss structures, systems, and classifications — because the activities of objects are subject to change over the course of time and subsequent empirical observations will render them useless. They prefer to keep their public focus and mind open to new incoming empirical data from moment to moment or over the long-term. Systems are likely to break quickly so it’s mostly a waste of time to attempt to establish such structures – although sometimes a necessary evil (such as in business).

Paired with valued Force, the LIE competitively desires to accrue resources to improve the likelihood of a desired outcome over the course of time. This is one of the primary reasons why this type is often called “The Entrepreneur.” (Temporary sacrifice for long-term sustainability and effectiveness). In other words, there may be a reduction in external activity temporarily, for the benefit of the long-term.

LSE Public, Strong, Base, Valued Pragmatism in the LSE – Unlike the LIE, the LSE is more focused if the object is doing the proper activities right now. They are much less likely to make an investment in something that does not produce an immediate result that can be experienced or observed. Paired with valued Senses, they need to be aware that the intended effect of the object is consistently maximized and all of its parts are harmoniously working. This TIM more so than the LIE, wants to directly experience the intended result of the object – so the object is under constant management until it produces its intended result. This object could be a person or a series of actions in a business. Are they doing their job at this exact moment? Are they costing the company right now or are they working effectively?

Paired with valued Ideas, the LSE metabolizes new potential for the activities occurring in the moment, resulting in a manner of “tireless tinkering” to get the most out of an object or process. Supervision is necessary to direct these activities and introduce new ideas for utility – or to ensure that effectiveness isn’t reduced. Because of their lack of vesting hope in long-term pursuits, systems are likely to not hold from moment to moment requiring supervision. This is why LSEs tend to feel that people and resources need to be managed. Hence, this type is often called “Manager.” (Ensuring that everything is doing what it should be at this exact moment).

SLE – Private, Strong Demonstrative, Neglected Pragmatism in the SLE is more concentrated on working in the background to achieve an intended result. Often, it is the establishment of their clear, unambiguous position in a hierarchy, or to be the “top of the pecking order.” They will direct & arrange activities of others to help them consolidate their position so that it is known and recognized – but these activities are not directly intended to produce maximum output of activities in the moment, but just enough output to accomplish the intended result. Matters of effectiveness or efficiency beyond this outcome become insignificant, dull, and boring to the SLE.

Instead, the SLE is more focused on establishing a system of rules, laws, and order that others will follow “to the letter.” They seek to ensure that their position is not threatened, and their control or power is consolidated. Resources are only used to establish such structures with very little interest in tweaking for maximum output once the end is met. The SLE will use the interplay of objects to identify how things work in order to build a hierarchy or climb one they are participating in. They are going to use such workings to their advantage.

In other words, the outcome is more important than the output.

ILE – Private, Strong, Demonstrative, Neglected Pragmatism in the ILE, like the SLE is concentrated on working in the background to achieve an intended conceptual model, gathering research to build an ideology centered around their own interests and curiosities. They will direct and arrange a series of facts to help them center on a central understanding of the object of their attention – using such collection of workings to inform their theoretical and consistent understanding.

The ILE is much less interested in effectiveness or efficiency beyond gathering and collecting empirical data to build their understanding of external phenomena. Their understanding of such happenings around them in order to continue to form abstractions and develop a more sophisticated series of general principles to explain such things. Knowledge of happenings is primarily used to consolidate this need to fully understand, rather than use it to direct activities in a way that is seen as productive.