It is through our ego that we operate in the world. We have become used to this distortion in our view because we use this lens to experience. By becoming so used to Form we don’t even recognize the existence of something outside of it.

Form in the Physical World

When we think of the physical world as the origin of substance. We think of things like food, sex, entertainment, or relationships. They serve as the substance of our lives. Our minds have been so caught up in the physical aspect of our existence, that we have yet to discover how immeasurably full of depth we are. One might seek to discover the depth of their soul, and will not find the depth one might expect from an individual. But once having taken the journey, they will discover that within them is the depths of all people, of all forms, all life, and all of existence. Once submerged in the depths of your deeper Self, you will find it is nothing like everything you have known before it.

Form and Formlessness

Form has become the default. So to finally find something beyond it and to discover that this formless Being is what you find underneath all the layers of your personality is very liberating. You realize that you are not this impermanent existence, but have been pervading experience for a very long time. You have been all people, all pursuits, all these different lives.

The need to achieve something and to give meaning to your life is not so important as you begin to see there is an effortless meaning that arises deep within you. A meaning that comes naturally and without effort. Meaning that unfolds, instead of needing to be made. This body and this person you have inherited is a resource. This person is a gift, as is this moment. What you choose to do with it is up to you.

Once you have realized the beauty of your depths, the beauty of Form will be obvious to you. But you will no longer see form as the source of substance to your life. You know, that your Nature is Formless, and that your need to find things in the world that give meaning to your existence is an endless search. Your existence does not need Form to explain it. Naturally, your deeper Self seeks to express Itself in the world.

You are like the cup that flows over. The fountain that has no end. Your potential is limitless. This Form gives you the materials for this expression. The bristles that come together in a brush. The handle bringing those bristles together into one movement. With the stroke of the brush, the bristles all work in unison to bring texture to one swift motion. Without objects, without things that are different, how could one express his potential in his craft?

When one believes in their existence as physical, they have yet to see the fundamental relationship between their deeper Self, and the physical world. How can one see the relationship between two objects, if they can only see one of the objects? The Nature of your True Self is illusive. But once seen, it will be reflected in everything you do. You can not unsee it. It is the great Baptism. To submerge yourself in the Spirit, and come up reborn, or made new. You will discover that in all you do, you are expressing that which is within your deepest Self.

Whether or not you feel good about it, or bad about it will not change the fact that you are expressing your True Nature in form. Now, instead of seeing the physical world and hoping to find meaning in it, you are the one who gives meaning to the world. Your Work being like a precious kiss or blessing to Form. After you have seen the illusive Self, you will see the relationship between it, and that which is Seen.

Once you see this relationship, you will begin to see that the two do not exist independently of each other, but rely on each other to exist. Form can not be seen without a formless Self in which for it to reflect into. And the Formless has no means of knowing of itself unless it has that which it can distinguish itself from. This means that they give rise to one another, and are therefore inseparable.

Simply by reflecting Form into the Formless, meaning is already arising in both the formless and form itself. In a sense, in doing so, it is fulfilling its purpose. It is achieving that which it is not. Transcending that in which it is. Knowing this, one can allow form to manifest and bring meaning to their life, while also bringing meaning to Form. This is the art of Life.

All things are a craft, or an art. Dancing, fighting, writing, speaking, singing, working. All that can be done, is a craft. It is an art in which to be respected and learned. Learning this craft is a pleasure, and while one hopes to Master it, they also seek to continue to learn, grow, and understand it in deeper and deeper ways. This also applies to life in itself. It is an art, or a craft that you hope to master, but should also hope to never find an end to its growth. Seeking to find more and more nuance in your craft.

This is why you are forever a student to it. One that has Mastered a craft can only do so much. But one who allows this craft to open up in more and more ways that could not be conceived before, will have a flourishing effect on Form. And when Form opens up in this way, it will have a flourishing effect on the Formless as well. Allow Form to flourish in you, and take that opportunity to flourish in it.