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Warning: This is a strongly opinionated article about technology’s influence. Agree or disagree – just don’t be a little bitch.
Technology has stood out to be absolutely remarkable – one of the greatest achievements of mankind. If not the greatest achievement. Today we have introduced things like Artificial Intelligence and different forms of Reality (Parallel, Augmented, and Virtual). However, this has also become something we can arguably look at like a double-edged blade. It has either made people everyone’s bitch or it has made you into a little bitch. Do you want to continue being everyone’s bitch? You can change that.
Make the Choice Not to Be a Little Bitch
Technology has been convenient for many reasons including making less trips to the grocery store (thank you Instacart). I wouldn’t have to run back because my girlfriend forgot to tell me to pick something up. But to be honest with you, sometimes I’d rather make that second trip, knowing that I had full control of my life. It’s just too damn inconvenient and my patience has worn thin. Fuck you technology.
I was born in a time without computers and cell phones and it’s amazing to me how different some people are when they were born into technology. They have no idea how much slower life was without it. The situations you would have to face when things weren’t indeed convenient. When you had to deal with such inconvenience with ingenuity and adaptability. Now, our inability to adapt, improvise, and think “off-the-cuff” in unfamiliar situations has been greatly compromised.
Integrate Real Social Ability Instead of Integrating Technology
With those who know me most, one of the most frustrating things to them is my incredibly slow response to text messages. This is because I see very little point in letting others control my time and energy. We shortcut, cheat, and rob ourselves of the opportunity to become figures of impact. For example, we can find dates through the swipe of a thumb. Don’t blame the technology, blame your choice to be a little bitch if your reasoning is to avoid discomfort. Don’t be surprised if now you find yourself not being able to date worth a shit.
“But it’s more convenient to do it all over text.” Take your convenience to someone you’re willing to have half of their attention. Fuck, I’ve made so many mistakes with people over text because I was distracted by something else. I was focused on my mission or worse — whatever distraction came across my plate. I’ve also been on the other side — extremely annoyed when people don’t give me their full attention when I’m talking to them. Shame on me.
It’s as if we’ve lost the idea that people’s time & lives were all contributing to some greater purpose or some type of mission. Today, it is likely their lives have also lost meaning because everything is moving at such a rapid pace. Or maybe they don’t even care anymore – live and let live, they say.
Little Bitches Don’t Have Goals and Completely Rely on Convienence
We should all be on a mission. Some say it’s the pursuit of happiness (we all know that is a fruitless endeavor). To me, it’s establishing your mark on the world. To begin to weave a new tapestry for future generations to take the mantle of your kingdom. Not being head first into a device that fits the palm of your hand.
So it’s time to make a new choice today. Respond to those irrelevant texts whenever the fuck you want, especially when you have a purpose larger than life. Go for it. Achieve. Make a difference. Be the fire-breathing dragon you were meant to be.
Technology has demanded your time every minute of everyday. I’ve been bucking the system for a while now – by ignoring emails & text messages. Someone need your attention? Their urgency shouldn’t be your emergency. If it’s more important, have them call you. Don’t be tempted and go do what it is that needs to be done. Die for it — if you must.
However, the days of seppuku are long gone, and the truth is – they aren’t coming back. I know it’s extreme, but I believe in honor codes. So we need to make a hard pivot. We need to establish a collective ideology to learn how to control technology instead of being its slave. It’s time to put limits on our reliance of technological devices and learn to use them to cultivate the future. Instead of surrendering ourselves the stripping of the building blocks that make humanity what it is.
We have become self-centered on our own vanity and independence and have forgotten our place in the world. I blame that on perpetuated ignorance and lack of leadership and if we take a hard look at recent years, we can see this large decline in actual leaders. Instead, we idolize ourselves, making inanimate pieces of circuit boards as the platform that makes our insignificant individual identities known.
Personality Type & Leadership
Leadership comes in many forms. For some, it’s influence and for others it’s intelligence. In a subsequent post, I am going to describe how you can become a leader. I will be laying out how every single personality type can become a leader and some of the associated techniques with bringing this out of your rolling-over default.
Don’t be them…
Every single type of personality has the capability to be a great leader – if they’re willing to grow a pair and just do it by getting into action and get out of complaining. Is this possible for you? Yes. That is where Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) comes into effect; however, it starts with putting that fucking phone down.
You should be tired of taking shortcuts in life and sharing the majority of your conversations (and experiences) over text messaging and computers. Although it’s good at times, you should be tired of living in absolute comfort. Go live your life and push personal boundaries and go make a difference. Become a figure of immense value to the world around you by doing whatever it takes to get there.