SEIs (ISFps) are generally known for their care for aesthetic, calm atmospheres, and pleasant conversations. At face value these sociotypes or Type of Information Metabolisms (TIMs) can appear almost fairylike in nature, with a lightness of step that borders on wholesome. Although I don’t disagree with this sort of caricature that is drawn, as an SEI myself, I do find there to be much more bubbling below their heightened nerve endings.
Quadra Play
In my view, Alpha Quadra values apply quite well to SEIs, which can help us to understand their underlying desires. Some of these “Alpha” ideals, by way of the Quadra values (Merry, Judicious, Democratic), manifest as a preference for:
- Pleasant environments with soft visual appeal, often expressed as a sense of calm.
- A will towards playful, vibrant emotive expression (sometimes including shenanigans).
- A comfortable arena in which to build each other’s minds or to articulate some idea.
- Discussion over topics without restriction over who can say what or when.
- An acknowledgement that an idea or argument can be good or true regardless of who said it.
Were the SEI to rebuild the world up from scratch, these aspects would be of central concern. Complete with a trillion gardens and enough eateries to sink the Titanic. Yet even so, it’s not as though Alphas are generally ones to tear down and rebuild the establishment every two seconds.
Kings, Queens, and the SEI Mentors
SEIs often do not wish to usurp the throne of the establishment. Reigning with terror is likely the furthest thing from their minds. Their focus is more on keeping true to their personal convenience and achieving a natural consistency in their relations. SEIs are often off-put by huge changes that might disadvantage them in some form. It is within a smoothly moving emotional chat that SEIs often find themselves striving. Again, these preferences might seem rather lighthearted or naïve in the grand outlook of time. Yet for the SEI, there remains an intensity behind these preferences for logical discussion and cozy vibes that I hope to convey.
For the SEI, who seeks Extroverted Intuition, nothing is better than having a willing guide in discussion. I personally find myself seeking an eternal teacher. A suggester of all things impossible and undoubtedly probable. Our possibilities are often limited without outside reinforcement.
SEI with an idea: “Let me tell you what I’m thinking, but please guide me towards a better way.”
I should note that by eternal teacher I do not mean lecturer of clearly applicable, concrete knowledge. Many SEIs could care less about attending an auto shop course, for instance.
Our Extroverted Thinking is garbage.
Complete trash.
Absolutely horrid.
One more?
So terrible a gutter couldn’t filter it out.
Please send help.
Thus the sort of “teacher(s)” we SEIs seek are that of the casual sort. We like to keep people around us that make us think differently, make us consider more sides of an issue, and make us want to basically go into full Caregiver romance style mode.
Brownies, anyone?

I am always hungry to know the things that I do not. I am always starving to conceptualize the ideas I could not trek through alone. Ideally, most people around me would be open-minded and content with sharing ideas.
What can I say?
I’m greedy.
Our Intimacy
In my dreamworld, these figures of knowledge and connoisseurs of thought are by my side in most circumstances. Directing me and imposing better and better logic behind my feeble starting places. If it were in my power to improve the lives of others it would be to grant them the comfort and closure, which I can so naturally give, in exchange for said guide.
Yeah, yeah.
Called out.
I’d like to nuance the intimacy behind the SEI’s ideal of having an Alpha atmosphere, if you’ll let me. I’ll make it fun.
I’m one of those women who likes poetry. I write it, I consume it, I dream it. There appears no better way to articulate the underlying desire of an SEI than through a concrete image with a bit of meaning attached.
Fair warning: this poem is bordering on smut.
Sweet smut, but still.
Gotta own it.
Mind Melding
by Jami Wilson

you’re such a good teacher
opening my mind with yours
books a mere replica of you
devoting time to make me soar
light from the window
pours into our library
your kisses and fingers
touch at my sweet berry
under the tables you crawl
to taste me in my chair
against the bookshelves you push us
hands disheveling my hair
i face the open window
bending to your rhythm
whispers remind us to be quiet
stifling our orgasm’s prison
i love you within me
giving me your thoughts
filling me with your ideas
with you
my mind doesn’t feel lost
I went there.
For the less poetry inclined, my use of sexuality is meant to turn you on. Whoops.
For the less poetry inclined, my use of sexuality is meant to explore the intimacy inherent in sharing minds. SEIs value the free flow of information and want to be around those who promote it. Many SEIs experience the spark of intimacy beginning with something mental. Somewhat logical and factual. And, for the SEI, the body catches up. It’s exhilarating. We can feel it move through us. The joy bubbles and pops. The interest ebbs easily through the blood. And so on. We are very in tune with “the feeling” that a conversation can give our bodies.

I know you’re freaked out right now, Si PoLR.
It’s fine, dears.
Your breathing masks are located in your overhead compartment.
Beauty and SEIs
To continue examining my softcore: Aesthetic is huge for the SEI. Libraries are such masterpieces in this regard, complete with various wooden bookshelves and beckoning chairs. So much knowledge stacked into one place. Often, to the ceiling in fact! You can smell the glory of thought in the worn, flipped-through pages of each book. Of course, a library would prove a safe place to partake in a mental exchange. An environment that bends and pulls as the discussion takes us somewhere. It’s all glorious for the SEI.

A massive thought orgy.
So quaint and proper.
If you noticed, these unconscious desires are all quite local. SEIs aren’t out trying to take on the world. If they acquire fame and fortune, it probably wasn’t intentional. SEIs want to lead pleasant, safe lives where they can care for those within their proximity. They are skilled mediators and conversationalists. I’m certain they could go to war, if they desired to, but that’s rarely at the forefront of their mind.
Unless you break something they love.
Watch out.
Many of us think fate is fate. It’s not in our hands.
SEIs might not think about how to improve life, but rather learn how to function at their best within it. They move within the frame that is set, often not considering to fight against it. SEIs privilege joy and mental exchange.
So what if all we want to do is pass comfort around like Valentines cards?
The joy of (safe) mental exploration is enough. Keeping social equilibrium is enough. Caring about people is enough.